ya tat sound good too >.>
the following pics are what made this post random ..
this conversation is kinda cute in a way
form 4 are doing their "rocket" experiment now n i miss the old good time producing the rocket =\
mah old rocket, i dumped this rocket edi anyway
it said "swooooooooooshhhh".
these were some memorable picture that taken when testing the parachute of the rocket ..
woo so much sweet memories
An old but sweet pic =)
More random pics that i forgot to upload long long time ago =)
For jian,
lol random
For tc,
its colour fade edi =\
old pixs =))
even older
Lyn, for u :)
hahas epic pic XD
tats all bah lol
Dragonball Evilution sarks, don't waste ur money-.-
even this pic is more interesting than the movie >;)
"“It is a risk factor. It is a very big risk factor!” I went on. “I’m going to put myself on the line here and state unequivocally that anyone who tries to flush their baby down the toilet should not take that baby home.”"
"Love is a drop of honey on the blade"
someone had licked away all the honey!!!
however the sharp blade is mine lolz :D
someone had licked away all the honey!!!
however the sharp blade is mine lolz :D
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