Friday, July 13, 2012

8th July 2012 : "Lifestream" Design Idea Part 1 XXIV Padi Architectural Workshop 2012

The following images are of the submitted entry for design idea competition part one Padi Architectural Workshop 2012.

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internal perspective

street view

bird eye

Additional images:

Just went back from the padi architectural workshop, once again being reminded to stay focused, quickly complete my diploma and start degree asap. Two more weeks until the Presentation of final year final project for my diploma.

Sleepless night ahead D:.

Update may 2013:

The project has been recycled for my building material assignment. Info could be found at the follow link:


Anonymous said...

is tat rhino?
did you saw taylor's student in the workshop?

helu said...

Nope its not, its lumion. :)
yup there are taylor student in the workshop.